2024 LA/MA Section Meeting plenary descriptions
2024 Anderson Lecture
Lisa Fauci, Tulane University
The fascinating world of flexible filaments in fluid
The motion of waving or rotating filaments in a fluid environment is a common element in many biological and engineered systems. Examples at the microscale include bacterial flagella propelling a cell body and engineered helical nanorobots designed to deliver drugs to tumors. Complex fluid environments, such as networks of polymers, can have dramatic effects upon the dynamics of microorganisms as they move through mucus or tissues. In this talk we will present a mathematical and computational framework used to model these viscosity-dominated flows. We will investigate a few intriguing systems: actin-like fibers in straining flows that spontaneously buckle into helices, helical filaments that penetrate and break a polymeric network, and the journey of extremely long and flexible sperm flagella through narrow and tortuous female reproductive tracts.
About the speaker:
Lisa Fauci received her PhD from the Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences at New York University, and directly after that joined the Department of Mathematics at Tulane University in New Orleans. Her research focuses on biological fluid dynamics, with an emphasis on using modeling and simulation to study the basic biophysics of organismal locomotion and reproductive mechanics. Lisa served as president of the Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (SIAM) in 2019-2020. In 2023, she was elected to the US National Academy of Sciences.
Friday, March 1
5:00 pm
Opening Plenary
Robert Miller, University of Louisiana Lafayette
Biological Action Reaction Models – A Missing Link in the Coastal Sustainability Puzzle?
Robert Miller, University of Louisiana Lafayette
Intensification of the hydrological cycle has led to an increasing frequency of extreme events – e.g., floods and droughts – both posing a threat to water security. Coastal estuaries are at the confluence between rivers and seas and face compounding hydrological sustainability threats (e.g., sea level rise and watershed urbanization). They also provide abundant water resources which support critical human developments and some of the most productive ecosystems in the world. And while practical engineering workflows quantifying causal effects on the physical regime (e.g., hydrodynamics and estuarine transport) – and ecosystem dynamics to a lesser extent – have been well established, quantitative models of the biological reaction to various actions (e.g., flood control and river diversion effects on fish and phytoplankton populations) are severely lacking in coastal estuaries. This presentation provides an overview of current research activities to support the future development of biological action-reaction (BAR) models integrated directly within mainstream coastal hydrological analysis frameworks. The development of continuously structured population dynamic models integrated with hydrodynamic and water quality models in a realistic setting is emphasized with motivating examples. The setting is the Atchafalaya Basin Continuum (ABC) which represents the largest river swamp wetland in North America. Barriers to the establishment of practical BAR modeling frameworks will be discussed as well as specific population dynamic problems relevant to communities and stakeholders interested in coastal sustainability. The potential for the new modeling frameworks in addressing major unanswered biological questions facing coastal stakeholders will also be discussed, as well as areas requiring further research.
About the speaker:
Dr. Robert Miller is an associate professor in the department of civil engineering at the University of Louisiana at Lafayette. Dr. Miller is a coastal hydrologist and mathematician whose research seeks to improve our ability to model how water environments and biological systems respond to hydrological changes. In 2021 Dr. Miller was one of only 8 scholars nationally to be selected as a recipient of the National Academies of Science, Engineering, and Medicine Early-Career Gulf Research Fellowship in Environmental Stewardship. Miller is also a recipient of the Louisiana Engineering Foundation (LEF) Faculty Professionalism Award. In 2022 Dr. Miller was appointed by the President of the United States of America and confirmed by the U.S. Senate to be one of seven members to serve on the Mississippi River Commission (MRC). The MRC provides water resources engineering direction and policy advice on the Mississippi River System to the Administration, Congress, and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. Prior to joining the engineering faculty at ULL, Dr. Miller worked for more than a decade in private industry as a senior engineer and project manager for numerous projects ranging from FEMA flood map development, stormwater master plans, and coastal restoration projects. Dr. Miller obtained his PhD in computational and applied mathematics in 2015 from the University of Louisiana at Lafayette and is a registered professional engineer in the state of Louisiana.
Friday, March 1
11:00 am
Section Visitor
Cindy Wyels, California State University Channel Islands
Data Science for and by Pure Mathematicians
Cindy Wyels, California State University Channel Islands
Consider the skills and habits of mind developed through studying pure mathematics. These – and some basic statistical techniques – are enough to address some questions of interest given a small data set. With a larger investment of time for individual learning, a healthy dose of humility, and perhaps some collaborators, those whose preparation focused on pure mathematics can produce data-based studies of interest to wide audiences. Join me for a story involving a years-long transition, a cast of dozens, some alluring marine megafauna and much serendipity as I argue for the value of all types of research for and by all types of researchers.
About the speaker:
Dr. Cynthia Wyels came to CSU Channel Islands in Fall 2005 after several years at California Lutheran University. At CSUCI, she co-authored three $6 million HSI-STEM grants, directed the campus’ LSAMP program, and served as chair of the Faculty Senate. She’s mentored students through undergraduate research projects through the MAA’s NREUP grants and NSF grants and has offered minicourses for faculty on conducting research with undergraduates. Dr. Wyels received SACNAS’ Distinguished Mentor Award for work mentoring students and faculty from historically underserved groups as well as the MAA’s Haimo Award for Distinguished University Teaching of Mathematics. Her mathematical research interests began in combinatorial mathematics and linear algebra. She now applies data analysis tools to study the effectiveness of educational interventions and to collaborate on environmental issues.
Friday, March 1
1:00 pm
MAA Editor Lecture
Jason Rosenhouse, U. S. Air Force Academy and James Madison University
Mathematical Modeling Workshop
Friday, March 1, 2:15 - 4:15 pm
Mathematical Modeling Comes Alive: Hands-on Participation, Discussion, and Live Demonstration by Experts
Facilitators: Ricardo Cortez, Tulane University; Cynthia Anhalt, University of Arizona
Modeling Experts: TBD
This workshop is designed to illustrate the mathematical modeling process at different levels of expertise. The purpose is to reveal similarities and differences between the thought process experienced by novice modelers and expert modelers, and to discuss the implications for teaching mathematical modeling in k-16. The workshop will feature opportunities for participants to engage in mathematical modeling, and to observe two professional modelers as they work on a modeling task they have not seen before. The professionals will verbalize their thinking as they develop their models so that the observers can capture an accurate picture of the mathematical modeling process the experts experience. The workshop will conclude with a discussion of the process experienced by modelers of different expertise, implications for teaching modeling, and for preparing future teachers in this area. Everyone is invited. No prior modeling experience is necessary. Modelers with different levels of experience are encouraged to attend.
Saturday, March 2, 11:00 am
The Saga of the Hardest Logic Puzzle Ever
The Hardest Logic Puzzle Ever was first presented by philosopher George Boolos in 1996. We are to imagine three gods: one always tells the truth, one always lies, and one randomly decides whether to tell the truth or to lie. You do not know which is which. The gods will answer any yes/no question put to them, but they will answer in their own language. In this language, the words for yes and no are da and ja, but you do not know which word means what. You are to ask a sequence of three yes/no questions, after which you must determine which god is which. Boolos' solution led to a veritable industry of papers presenting ever more ingenious solutions and considering ever more complex variations. The resulting saga involves, among other things, nested biconditional statements, the nature of randomness, the art of extracting more than two answers from a binary question, the embedded question lemma, and exploding heads. We will explore the high points of the saga while introducing it all with some ruminations on logic as a discipline.
BIO: Jason Rosenhouse received his PhD in mathematics from Dartmouth College in 2000, specializing in algebraic graph theory. Since 2003, he has been a professor at James Madison University, Harrisonburg, VA. For the 2023-2024 school year, he is the Distinguished Visiting Professor in mathematics at the United States Air Force Academy, Colorado Springs. He is the author or editor of nine books, on subjects such as recreational mathematics and evolution versus creationism. He is currently the Editor of Mathematics Magazine, published by the MAA. When not doing math, he enjoys playing chess, cooking, and reading locked room mysteries.